"Renee and Jim Pope have been members of the Standard Schnauzer
Club of America since 1971. They are AKC Breeders of Merit who
together have bred 100 AKC champions bearing the Geistvoll kennel
name. The Popes have also bred eight Canadian champions, an
English/Irish champion, and a Finnish champion.
Renee served on the SSCA Board of Governors from 1980 to 1983,
1990 and 1991, and 2007 and 2008. She also served as the club’s
second vice president in 2017 and 2018. She has kept the Champion
and Grand Champion records for the SSCA since 1985 and has been
the club’s Annual Review chairman for since 2006. Jim has served
the SSCA as treasurer. Geistvoll sires have contributed to 100
SSCA Leading Producers, and Geistvoll dogs represent 204 titles
among the SSCA Hall of Fame producers. The Popes have had 32
specialty winners, both national and regional, and 32 titles in
performance and tracking have been earned by a Geistvoll Standard
American Kennel Club Dec. 14, 2019 Presented at the
AKC National Championship